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Mari Yamagiwa

From: Japan

Joined: March 20, 2009

Web: http://mariyamagiwa.hp.infoseek.co.jp





What I'm trying to express in my art are my experiences which are like pain, pleasure, sadness, and impressed scene. And various cultures and ideologies are included. In addition, it was filled with the dirty part that is existed in a deep inner and the hidden other side. They are dismantled once, restructured, and represented by the big eyed punk nymphets, my Alter ego. Therefore, my art is always impulsive, private and is free. An imaginative extraordinary world is composed by the oil paints or uniting of different textures. Many junk elements collected from all over the world are mixed, and the color flood is like a chaotic contemporary society. You might find an answer in my art if you feel that you are restrained or restricted by something that you can't see, or if you are worried about something.

Mari Yamagiwa's artwork

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With you
imperfect love
Do you encounter the future
Be free
While you have a dream
Venus reign
Sucking your sigh
I want to see you more

Comments on this portofolio

Alexander Sadoyan on Feb 24, 2010 8:19pm :

Dear Mari,

Your paintings are wonderful.
Best regards

Art Ilse Schill on Mar 21, 2009 2:22pm :

like your work:-) it is very speciale